Show Me Christ

This post belongs to a new series called, “Show Me Christ.” How we can mirror God’s love for the world? Members of the congregation are encouraged to share photos, videos, stories, poems, or other media that reflect God’s calling in all of us, and the love we have for our fellow man. What does Christ look like on this earth, today?

This world is filled with toil, despair, anger, hate, sorrow, and greed. Every time one turns on the news, it’s to hear of some event that shows violence, destruction, and division. In whose name are these deeds done? Why is this the only news that reaches our ears and eyes on a daily basis? Where are those disciples that are called to reflect God’s perfect love?

As everyone tuned in to Steve Wilkins’s sermon today, the message was about a calling: the calling as Christians to stop what one is doing, listen, and follow God’s will. What an interesting thought! What is God’s will in one’s own life, in the life of others, and for the world? Mankind doesn’t decide this. The most worthy gauntlet for mankind to pick up is to be a mirror of God’s Word. He has given enough instruction for each person who knows Him to give grace, compassion, forgiveness, and above all: love.

What does God’s love look like? A sibling who’s learned to share for the first time? Donating to a local charity? Providing care of a loved one who needs assistance? Taking a phone call with someone who is lonely? However big or small a task may seem, God’s light is reflective in the good services we do for one another. The regular news may not show the kindness which lives in this community, this country, and this world, but that kindness can be shown through us.

This is a challenge to SHOW ME CHRIST. What does Christ look like among us today? What are some ways that we can continue to share God’s love, and what good deeds have YOU seen that reflect Him? Please send your content to

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