GMPC: Operation Lifeboat

Once upon a time there was a lovely church ship called His Majesty’s Graves Memorial Presbyterian(HMGMPC).  It was made up of many crew members and passengers who had served the church for a long time on the ocean liner HMGMPC; in fact, they had taught Bible stories to the little children, served meals to the congregation, prayed for you and me, painted, cleaned, repaired and refurbished much of our ship. 

            Then one day from nowhere came a big, I mean really big, scary sea monster that threatened to eat up all the people aboard the HMGMPC.  The king of the seas said to the crew and passengers, “Run to your cabins, don’t play with anyone else, stay there until I tell you to come out!”  These orders meant no more banquets, no more shuffleboard, banned fitness rooms, and gone are the entertainers.  So in their cabins the passengers stayed and stayed and stayed; not only did their beards grow longer but the children became restless, their parents became listless and frustrated, and those living by themselves became sad and lonely.

            Meanwhile, the captain of the ship had done what he could with streaming audio and video into each cabin; the cruise directors went the extra mile with caring and sharing; however, some of the cabins had broken equipment and some of the occupants had broken spirits.  Although most physical needs were met:  all the meals were deposited at the cabin doors, the faucets continued running hot water, and televisions ran day and night, still the passengers in their cabins missed the physical connections and the friendly faces they were accustomed to seeing on the decks. 

            To the rescue–That is when GMPC Operation Lifeboat was put into effect so that when we again land safely on shore, we will be even better linked together than before.  Thirty-nine young families with their creative energies have taken an individual/family with whom to connect more closely: people alone in their cabins; those who were sick or had experienced losses; and those whom I like to refer to as Rockers (those of the age will understand the meaning—yes, we found the pictures from your high school yearbooks).  These young families have started calling, making special prayers, sending cards of appreciation, sending children’s drawings, and running errands just to let the ones needing attention in their cabins know that they love them and are eager to see them again.  You will not believe the things we are finding out about each other.

            Each of us needs help from the lifeboat rescuers from time to time.  Even though we do not have the happy fairy tale ending yet, we are working towards it.  Please look for this inter-generational bonding as an unexpected blessing for us all as we fight this monster of the seas, and may God speed it away.

Shared on behalf of the Operation Lifeboat Team, written by Lee Howard

3 thoughts on “GMPC: Operation Lifeboat”

  1. Lee tells the best story. She’s a true gift to our “ship”. May the Holy Spirit breeze be moving us and the Son be shining on all of us as we continue the voyage back home.

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